Meet us

About us
Can you imagine your future home, your living room, kitchen, bedroom? Would you like a balcony and windows to the southwest? Do you dream about a flat? A tiny one, but your own? Or maybe do you want space and posh place? A big garden with a pond? For most of the people having a roof over your head is a basic and natural dream.
And we like people and we help make these dreams come true. That is why we sell real estate. We also like ourselves. That is why we create a stable and open company that is constantly developing.

Our road sign

To find the right property for each client, tailored to his lifestyle and family. So that his dreams take real shape and he finds his place on the planet.
We take care of the security of your transactions and the safe flow of money, after all, large amounts. We make sure that this operation is as little stressful as possible.

We take care of the security of your transactions and the safe flow of money, after all, large amounts. We make sure that this operation is as little stressful as possible.
We make the most of our knowledge and experience. This allows customers to be sure that they will not overpay and will not lose by selling or buying through us.
Founding fathers
Each of the three partners brings unique talents and values to the company.

A restless spirit, looking for opportunities. visit to the Siemianówka Reservoir inspired him to work in real estate. He saw what a beautiful place it is. He thought that it would be nice to live there and that he can sell plots of land to people to live beautifully and learned to do it.

It is a strength of trust built over 25 years of friendship with Przemysław (from his student days). Tried and tested in many difficult situations. For years associated with education, brings calmness and creative skepticism as well as communication talent to the company. He ensures that customers are always well cared for and satisfied with the results.

It connects generations in business. He grew up of the nascent real estate that was his father's buiding company. He has been working on construction sites since the age of 15. He was 20 when he read the book Robert Kiyosaki Rich Dad Poor Dad and a year later bought the first premises that sold at a profit. And then more and more, until he quit his job at the bank. Redecorating apartment feels that it creates, changes and improves something. He saves from destruction.
Our workplace
We focus on freedom and an individual approach to the client. We don't hire agents. We actually sell real estate. Today we are one of the largest offices real estate in Białystok. Nearly 30 specialists work for us, according to ours temperament, intuition, creativity - based on the highest standards and knowledge in the field of real estate.
Life writes a script
Sometimes we have surprises - just like in life. Like when on the way to sale closing meeting our car broke down. The buyer was from another city and he only had an hour because he was on his way abroad. And all our the agents were working in the field at that time. The taxi driver who finally brought us to our destination was racing against the clock. He could successfully play the role of Daniel Morales in the cult comedy "Taxi". He had a Peugeot too 406. Of course, we made it!
Or when a client selling the property flew in from the United States to sign preliminary contract. The parties sat down at the table to sign the papers, and it turned out that it was a client who had her documents in a small encrypted suitcase, the lock was jammed. The minutes passed and we fought the device. Tension that day was exceptionally rich in events. The client did not want to postpone meetings because she had her plans. The buyer too. And we had three more planned finalising meetings. We couldn't let them be delayed and our clients were waiting for us. When we looked at the passing time in horror, disbelieving that the little one would defeat us combination lock, revelation came. A week earlier we found the perfect apartment for a client who ... was a lock specialist. fast phone call and just as lightning fast the help of a former client saved not only this transaction, but also the others.
We all agree that home is the most important place on earth.
For everyone.
It does not matter if it is a real house, semi-detached house, townhouse or apartment in the block. It is a place that we often share with people who are important to us, and where we build family, we are looking for a respite, we hide from the world, we celebrate successes and important events, we are sad and happy. A place where we invite friends to play on New Year's Eve, we arrange a room for a child with a place for our dog, cat or hamster.